Production Technology of Regional Food

This project is funded by
the European Union
Články obsahují pouze názor partnera
projektu - SZeŠ Lanškroun.
NA a Komise nenesou odpovědnost za jakékoli
případné použití informací v nich obsažených.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project addressed four agricultural schools
with very similar curriculum and activities. The cooperation among these
institutions enabled them to exchange new know how, experience, to get new
skills and training. Students and teachers could familiarize with practical
lessons and fieldwork, school curriculums and different study branches in
similar schools abroad. The school farms, which are parts of all these institutions,
breed horses and domestic animals; they deal with food production (especially
diary and meat products). The project activities should have explored
production technologies of regional food and found new ways which could be used
by other schools or be included into school curriculums. For example dairy
processing (cheese, yogurt, butter), bakery and meat products, fruit and
vegetable products (herbs, wine, jams, syrups) etc.